Karnak, the heavenly throne temple, reflects on earth a deep heavenly reality.
Since the old days Karnak has always been a huge gate to the underworld, the afterlife, the higher dimensions. It is a gate of light that allows us to unite deeply with our wisdom and consciousness.
The ancestors made it so, that we can receive a deep healing from wounds or heavy energy to be able to walk a path of light.
To receive this healing of union with our divine consciousness, we connect with our heart.
Let’s enter in the temple by passing the first gate.
We see the huge wall, which symbolise also a spiritual wall in which we find protection, safety and the energy to enter the zone of the dimensions.
By the next gate, the gate of Nekhbet and Wadjet, we receive the energy to relieve us from heavy energy and feelings that may have exhausted our system for a long time.
By reaching the hypostyle of the temple, the house of Hathor, we can find the gentle healing energy of the seven Hathors.
Here a deep cleansing of our system can take place. The rituals, the figures and the scenes on the walls of the house of Hathor, leads us to the connection with the beautiful gentle love vibes of Hathor.
The next gate of the temple offers us the repairing and harmonisation of the earthly and the heavenly. By watching the two great obelisks an energy of stability can enter into us. A deep integration of spirit in matter.
The next stage is the great sanctuary. The great sanctuary places us in a pure transformational energy. The connect with the spiritual world is now direct and without any disturbance.
New insides and directions in our life, answers to questions, all can be downloaded now from the dimension where time and space does not exist and where the potential of all actions resides.
After the sanctuary we find the holy lake. Here the re-birth takes place.
Protection, purification, deep cleansing by love and the pure contact deep in the dimensions, all become complete in the holy lake.
Now we are ready to pass the wall again and enter the world renewed.